
Extended Day 1 Daily Leaderboard Result

The first day of the Extended Daily Leaderboard Challenge on Team11 has kicked off with excitement and intense competition. This is your chance to join the competition and win 50,000 Daily! Don't miss out—compete, rise to the top, and claim your prize. Join now and let the excitement continue! 


Day 1,
Match 1,
Toronto Nationals vs Vancouver Knights

Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. User-id Points
1 aa730232 265.25
2 pa226193 230.5
3 ma1576702 224


Leaderboard of 6599C.P.,

S.N. User-id Points
1 in843957 278.25
2 bi403818 263
3 al136149 228.25


Match 2,
London Spirit Women  vs Oval Invincibles Women

Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 lm1103019 332.5
2 aa730232  293.75
3 pa226193 195.5


Match 3,
London Spirit Women  vs Oval Invincibles Women

Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 aa730232 423.75
2 lm1103019 385
3 ma1576702 323


Leaderboard of 6599C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 al136149  478.25
2 lm1103019 385
3 pa226193 373.75
4 ab469759 321.5
5 ci187403 299


Leaderboard of 11,999C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 al136149  478.25
2 lm1103019  385
3 au1500868 327.5
4 ab469759 321.5
5 ci187403 299


Match 4,
London Spirit vs Oval Invincibles

Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 lm1103019  322.75
2 pa226193 286.75


Leaderboard of 6599C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 ci187403 399.25
2 ma1576702 342.75
3 lm1103019 322.75
4 al136149 306.25
5 bi403818 298


Match 5,
Lyca Kovai Kings  vs Dindigul Dragons

Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 aa730232 225.25
2 pa226193 215.25


Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 al136149  245.75
2 ci187403 213.5
3 bi403818 212.75


Match 6,
Northern Superchargers Women  vs Manchester Originals Women

Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 ma1576702 290.25
2 aa730232 282.75
3 pa226193 281.75


Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 al136149  343.5
2 bi403818 320.25
3 ci187403 281.75


Match 7,
Brampton Wolves  vs Surrey Jaguars

Leaderboard of 6599C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 al136149 362.5
2 bi403818 272
3 ci187403 240.5


Match 8,
Brampton Wolves  vs Surrey Jaguars

Leaderboard of 3851C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 ch301526  242.75
2 ma1576702 201.75
3 aa730232 155.75


Leaderboard of 6599C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 lm1103019 265.25
2 ma1576702 201.75
3 bi403818 167


Leaderboard of 11,999C.P.,

S.N. UserId Points
1 al136149 (T1) 270
2 lm1103019 265.25
3 al136149 (T2) 240.25
4 ci187403  200.25
5 bi403818  167


Main Leaderboard:

S.N. User-id Total Point
1 al136149 2234.5
2 aa730232 1646.5
3 ci187403 1634.25
4 pa226193 1583.5
5 bi403818 1533
6 ma1576702 1381.75
7 lm1103019 1305.5
8 au1500868 327.5
9 ab469759 321.5
10 in843957 278.25
11 ch301526 242.75

Match Status:

S.N. Match Time Status
1 Toronto Nationals vs Vancouver Knights 1:45 AM Completed
2 Sri Lanka vs India 2:45 PM Completed
3 London Spirit Women vs Oval Invincibles Women 3:45 PM Completed
4 Northern Superchargers Women vs Manchester Originals Women 7:15 PM Completed
5 London Spirit vs Oval Invincibles 7:15 PM Completed
6 Lyca Kovai Kings vs Dindigul Dragons 7:30 PM Completed
7 Brampton Wolves vs Surrey Jaguars 8:45 PM Completed
8 Northern Superchargers vs Manchester Originals 10:45 PM Completed


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